Big, indeed. The world’s economic superpowers have essentially agreed that we can’t keep dumping carbon into the atmosphere. On Nov. 12, the White House and the Chinese government had a nice surprise for people that like to breathe pollution-free air and dream of one day owning oceanfront property, minus the risk of losing it to rising sea […]
Stat of the day: 15,000 gigawatt-hours per year
Can you guess what industry lays claim to that energy consumption stat? It’s the telecom industry, specifically the 16,000 legacy TDM (time-division multiplexing) phone switches in the U.S. and Canada, which account for 15 terawatts of juice yearly or “roughly 0.4% of all electricity used in those two countries,” according to of Access Venture Partners’ […]
An eco-button for PC efficiency
Update: IP shenanigans?! Catch the drama over at techETA. If you’re a savvy computer user, you’ve probably already tweaked your power settings. But some folks still need some help, and there’s no shortage of PC power management solutions that caters to them. One such product is efo’s ECO Button. Pictured above, the USB device doubles […]
McAfee Assesses Spam's Environmental Damage
Spam. We all hate it for obvious reasons, but here’s a new one that really draws an eco-geek’s ire. According to research conducted by McAfee and ICF, every year 33 terawatt hours (TWh) are wasted transmitting, smiting and otherwise dealing…