Until recently, it was easy to turn a blind eye to electronic waste (e-waste). It used to be that once old and broken computers, televisions and all sorts of consumer electronics where shipped overseas, it was out of sight and out of mind. But now, thanks to some high-profile investigative reports and images like these […]
Unintentionally green: ‘Dryer Boxes’ for waterlogged phones
It’s happened to a lot of us. The terrifying splash when a cell phone and puddle meet. For some, it’s an excuse to upgrade, for others it’s an expensive and time-consuming annoyance. But for nearly everyone, it means another junked gadget. That’s why JMC Risk Solutions‘ ‘Dryer Boxes’ are intriguing devices. As the name suggests, […]
Too early to worry about solar panel recycling?
Getting a little ahead of ourselves, are we? Actually, no. While the solar industry is only just now ramping up in earnest — despite there having been solar panels perched on roofs for decades — some in the PV industry are getting a little proactive about handling the waste that a massive U.S. roll-out of […]
Best Buy: Attention Green Shoppers
I’m not one to usually pore over CSR reports but this new one from Best Buy has some geeky appeal. Why? Because no matter how much of an Amazon ninja you think you are, chances are that Best Buy has…
E-waste Security Alert: Wipe Those Photocopiers
…and not with Windex. Along the lines of the e-waste and regulatory compliance issues I’ve posted about in the past, companies would do well to give the same care and attention to their copiers that they devote to their…
Company Profile: TechTurn IT Asset Returns IT Recycling Secure Data Wiping Find Related Coverage: E-waste & Recycling Search TechTurn URL: http://www.techturn.com/ Helpful Links About Management Team Services HQ: 2214 West Braker Lane Austin, TX 78758 512.997.7974 View Larger Map…
The E-waste & Compliance Overlap
Here’s a message from customers that nearly every company is taking to heart. “Keep my data off your e-waste!” During my years of covering enterprise IT, regulatory compliance (think HIPAA, Sarbanes Oxley and PCI DSS) and its effect on…
Fire Up Google Maps and Recycle that Relic!
If you’re any kind of computer geek, there’s a good chance that you’ve got tons of non-working spare parts occupying a couple of boxes in your closet or basement. Heck, you probably have whole PCs that can’t crunch a single…
IT Recyclers in the Spotlight
Having a hard time finding a someone to handle your company’s old equipment? Processor has put together a profile of four IT recyclers you may want to check out. And if data security is a priority–and it should be–then PA-based…
Panasonic Expands Electronics Recycling Program
Did you know that Panasonic has a recycling program that lets customers drop off defunct, Panny-branded gear at no charge? They do, and their program has just expanded to 310 locations by adding 30 more drop-off points in the Southeast,…