I’ll raise a glass to that! Ketel One and GQ are searching for the next great idea in eco-friendly entrepreneurship. The companies are running a contest, “A Gentleman’s Call,” to determine which one of five finalists will take home $100,000 to pursue their dreams. And they’re using social media to help name the winner. The ideas range […]
Green Spaces: Coworking for eco-preneurs
Striking out on your own? Not only can starting your own green business be intimidating, it can get pricey. Why not save some money and network with other eco-minded entrepreneurs by coworking? Co-working spaces are, by virtue, pretty a pretty sustainable way of growing your startup. Instead of renting a storefront or an office, coworking […]
Kiva + Kickstarter = 33needs?
Kickstarter’s hot, but not the only game in town. Mashable published a great profile on 33needs, a crowdfunding startup that specializes on projects that promote social good. In fact, it’s an outright requirement. Unlike Kickstarter, where any entrepreneur with a vision can solicit funds, 33needs strictly caters to projects and enterprises with strong social missions. […]