Even surrounded by the visual overload that is Times Square on New Year’s Eve, the Ball is hard to miss. Yes folks, not only is it big — 12 feet in diameter and weighing 11,875 pounds — it’s also very, very bright. Now, thanks to Philips, the supplier of its lights, you also know exactly how many […]
LED lighting market’s pieces finally falling into place
LEDs have been in the news lately thanks to some advancements, deep price plunges and even some political drama. It’s all helping to heighten the lighting technology’s profile, but is it enough to make consumers sit up and take notice? Here are three stories that while loosely related on the surface, weave together to form […]
Apple, Intel help keep gadgets free of conflict minerals
Now we’re getting somewhere. Apple and Intel should feel pretty jazzed about forcing the electronics industry to take conflict minerals seriously and lending their support to keep consumer electronics supply chains free of the “blood diamonds” of the technology world. Gadgets, gadgets everywhere The past few years has been a paradise for gadget lovers. An […]
U.S. Law Tackles Conflict Minerals
Tucked into the financial reform legislation that President Obama signed into law were rules that require companies to disclose whether their products are manufactured from “conflict minerals” — essentially metals and materials that come from the war-torn Congo. Conflict minerals…