iPad magazines like Wired and Popular Science blend interesting articles, photography that often looks stunning on the iPad’s screen (just imagine those pics on iPad 2’s rumored resolution bump…) and a smattering of interactivity. Exciting stuff, but what if you just want to curl up on your couch with a lengthy, thought-provoking article?
Well, there’s good news for green geeks that want to delve into juicy, multi-page magazine articles without fondling dead-tree. I already featured Flipbook as a must-download app for the iPad, but a neat little option in its supported content sources elevates it beyond an app that provides a magazine-style makeover for online feeds. With Longform.org support, Flipbook adds a wonderful counterbalance to the rapid-fire content delivery of most news sites and social networks.
Longform.org’s mission is simple:
We post articles, past and present, that we think are too long and too interesting to be read on a web browser.
We started this site to bring together our enthusiasm for both great longform reads and the excellent Instapaper reader.
While Instapaper is indeed excellent, gracing Flipboard with its presence adds a wonderful curated component to Flipbook’s personalized/social/multimedia/crowdsourced goodness. (To find it, tap an empty tile > Browse Categories > Cool Curators > Longform.org)
After digesting a couple of good, long articles on the iPad, I realized that Longform.org’s recommendations consistently slide gracefully through that perfect window of time, that once closed, punishes extended reading on the iPad’s LED-backlit LCD screen with eye strain. Also, Longform.org often digs into the archives, so to speak, to spotlight articles that may have been penned a decade or more ago but still lend amazing insights today or live on as fascinating touchstones of notable (or infamous) people, places and events in our recent history.
So if you’ve got an iPad and love good, long magazine articles, devote one of your coveted Flipboard tiles to Longform.org.
And also be sure to follow Longform.org on Twitter.
Update: Changed title to Flipboard from Flipbook. Embarrassing… Thanks commenters!
Flipbook? Do you mean Flipboard?